Use Amla Berry To Heal And Cleanse Your Body

Amla berry is one of the most powerful fruits that your body can naturally use to heal and clean itself. It has the most Vitamin C of all fruits. It takes about two to three oranges to equal the amount of Vitamin C in just one Alma berry. Since there is a lot of Vitamin C, it is easy to get rid of any free radicals in the body, which cause cells to age faster and die. Because it has a lot of anti-oxidants, amla helps your cells heal and get new life. Amla can help you lose weight and get in shape. It will speed up your metabolism, making it much easier for you to lose weight. Here are 10 great ways that Amla is good for your health. 1) Gets the heart going. 2) Helps the urinary system. 3) Helps the body absorb and use food 4) Very rich in vitamin C 5) Cleans and gets rid of poisons 6) Helps skin, hair, and eyes a lot. 7) Improves and feeds the brain. 8) Has anti-oxidants and makes the immune system much stronger. 9) Improves Muscle Tone 10) Makes the li...